
Edwin Coe assists and advises clients on a wide range of disputed insurance claims arising from denial of liability and policy avoidance by insurers.

We have specialised in insurance litigation for over 35 years and are ranked as a leading firm in this area of law by leading legal directories. Our experience, coupled with our strengths in commercial and insolvency work, enable us to assist clients not only in dealing with their disputed claim, but also in coping with cash flow, trade creditors and many other related commercial problems that often arise from the delayed settlement of an insurance claim.

We receive a high level of referrals from professional intermediaries, accountants, assessors, brokers and other lawyers and we have strong connections with professionals in related fields, from barristers to forensic scientists, forensic accountants, specialist brokers and expert underwriters. Their expertise helps us to produce the best results for our clients.

Roger Franklin

D: +44 (0)20 7691 4000
E: roger.franklin@edwincoe.com

Nicola Maher
+44 (0)20 7691 4069

W: https://www.edwincoe.com/

Measure of Indemnity

Read Nicola Mahers article in CILA’s Claims Focus. Pg5.